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VDE Position Paper – New Space Communications

Recently, the new position paper “NeSC – NewSpace Communications” has been published by the VDE ITG. In this publication, the experts show the characteristics and technical boundary conditions of NewSpace Communications (NeSC) systems, describe current system solutions and market participants, opportunities and challenges of the NeSC concepts, and finally give recommendations for action for research, development and implementation of NeSC systems.

As part of the currently growing commercial NewSpace sector, new communication systems are being developed – so-called “Non-Terrestrial Networks” (NTN), which are increasingly based on NeSC system approaches. These are intended to complement the existing terrestrial mobile and wired networks for voice, video and data communication, thus enabling global availability. The combination of terrestrial and satellite-based systems will significantly increase the reliability and spatial availability of communication systems overall.

The VDE, one of Europe’s largest technology organizations, stands for innovation and technological progress for more than 130 years. The VDE is the only organization in the world to combine science, standardization, testing, certification and application consulting under one roof. For more than 100 years, the VDE mark has been synonymous with the highest safety standards and consumer protection.

The Information Technology Society in the VDE (VDE ITG) is the national association of all those working in the field of information technology in business, administration, teaching, research and science. Its goals are to promote the scientific and technical development and evaluation of information technology in theory and practice. The nine departments, to which more than 80 expert committees are assigned, cover the entire spectrum of information technology. About 10,000 VDE members have joined the ITG and over 1,000 experts work on the committees on a voluntary basis.

We are very proud that Andreas Knopp, Marcus Thomas Knopp, Simon Heine and Kevin Li were part of the team of experts involved in the development of the position paper.

More information:


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