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Experiment Preliminary Design Review

On July 25-26 2022, the final assessment and announcement of the Preliminary Design Review for the experiments of the SeRANIS mission.

On July 25-26, the final assessment and announcement of the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) for the experiments of the SeRANIS mission took place in form of a festive event at the UniCasino of the Universität der Bundeswehr München.

The Experiment PDR is a review to assess the maturity, the technical feasibility, and the risk identification of the chosen design of each experiment and to ensure the compatibility of these design approaches with the SeRANIS mission. The Experiment PDR was conducted over the month of July.

In the spirit of a “new space approach”, the experiment PDR was conducted in the form of interactive open-space workshops rather than a pure document review. Different boards were used for this purpose: A PDR main board and three technical boards.

In total, the Experiment PDR comprised four different phases. The last phase took place during a two-day workshop on July 25-26 at the UniCasino of the UniBw München. The results of the technical boards were summarized and finally evaluated by the main board of the Experiment PDR.

Successful Use of the “New Space Approach”

The main board came to the final conclusion that the majority of the experiments have reached the PDR maturity level and is confident that the transition to the next project phase can be ensured for all experiments.

The result of the Experiment PDR was announced to the SeRANIS team members in a ceremonial setting at the closing event of the two-day workshop. Project lead and chairman Prof. Andreas Knopp and Prof. Roger Förstner presented the results and thanked all participants for their commitment and motivation. The day ended with a get-together in the beer garden of the UniCasino.

The team around Prof. Knopp came to the conclusion that an extremely efficient and at the same time very thorough method of an Experiment PDR was tested within the SeRANIS mission. The use of an agile method of the “new space approach” was a full success.


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