Proper handling of unforeseen situations in the context of fault management, highly autonomous operation of payloads, and autonomous planning and execution of manoeuvres are just a few examples of goals the research team is pursuing. In space, these technical challenges are combined with “system of systems” situations, resulting in correspondingly complex solutions. It has implications for the development, verification, validation and operational processes right through to the safe and sustainable disposal of satellites after the end of the mission.
In addition to the detailed technical aspects, topics in the area of complexity management as well as the entire life cycle of satellites, such as verification and validation of AI-based software, the extension of service life (in-orbit servicing, in-orbit recycling, etc.) or safe passivation after mission end, are also considered in context.
Development, testing and implementation of innovative solutions will be followed by in-orbit demonstration. Validation will be based on tests and analyses using already available modern measurement and test environments. In addition, the development and operational processes themselves will be further developed based on concepts of modern “Systems Engineering” (Uncertainty Modeling, Predictive Modeling, Visual Analytic, Virtual Testing, etc.), “Product Life Cycle Management”, “User-centered Designs” or “Agile, Concurrent and Lean Engineering”.
For the design and optimization of future satellite missions, the research and development results of SeRANIS are integrated into the context of New Space. They also drive the operational use of innovative solutions within the Bundeswehr.
In addition to the methods and practices of scientific research, our employees are expected to learn how to deal with highly complex systems – practice-oriented systemic thinking that cannot normally be taught in this form at any university. Thus, we make an essential contribution to training highly qualified systems engineers in the aerospace industry.
This experience enables our team members to take on responsible tasks in aerospace technology and systems engineering in the future – both in industry and start-ups, as well as in public (government) institutions, space agencies and research facilities.
Institute of Space Technology and Space Applications